Meeting John and Bert
After graduating from South Philly High School, I decided I wanted to be a photographer. I had made a portfolio and started taking it around to the photo studios in Philadelphia trying to get any kind of job they might have to offer. This was very disappointing, because none of the studios I visited had much business and were not interested in hiring me. It was very discouraging and I thought of giving up when close to the end of my rope I walked into the Condax/Corman studio.
To this day I cannot explain what was different about my first meeting with John Condax and Bert Corman.They did not seem to be very busy and sat and listened to my appeal for a job, any job. Something was different that day. I had the feeling I should not leave their studio until they agreed to hire me. They kept saying they did not need any help and I kept saying I would not leave until they agreed to hire me. I said I would work for nothing. They said they said they would not have someone work for nothing. Still I did not leave. I thought by staying and keeping the conversation going they would give in.
Maybe forty five minutes passed when John said he was going to be taking pictures of a new store that an architect friend of his had designed and might need someone to assist him. I WAS IN!. I stayed for two years and got an eduction not only in photography but in art, music, books to read and some science. They prepared me for meeting the challanges that came my way in the course of my life. Meeting them was one of the best things that has happened to me. Because of them I met Sondra. You know the rest.